Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Literacy Day in Phoenix

We never know who we will be blessed to meet. For the second year in a row, Emerson was invited to participate in the Annual Literacy Day sponsored by the City of Phoenix Human Services Department.

The opportunity came from a chat with another mom at our neighbor's son's birthday party in February of 2010. We talked about both our jobs (she works for the City of Phoenix) and I shared with her our business card for TINK INK Publishing. She must have passed it on to a friend at work because a couple of months later we received a letter from the Head Start Program inviting Emerson to read to students on Literacy Day.

The goal of the annual event is to bring awareness and recognition to the importance of early childhood literacy. Each year, community and civic leaders join students throughout Phoenix in the classroom to share a book chosen for Head Start that promotes interaction and movement from children.

In addition to this year's Head Start book by the incredible Eric Carle, Emerson shared The Bay Gull to an excited classroom of preschoolers. Some of these desert children have been to San Diego and spotted a lighthouse before but all were in awe of the horse shoe crab - a real treat for kids in AZ!